Our Systems & Metrics Enable
in Organizations, Communities, Governments, Educational Institutions, Healthcare Institutions, Faith Based Organizations and Movements.
We help you to quantify your hard to measure softer relationship issues with your team, customers, partners, supply channel, citizens or communities... as an ongoing tool or as a specific project.
The easy to use data... aligns your team(s) on both areas of agreement and on areas of disagreement.
We also help you cross-reference these metrics with performance, operating and financial data.
We have solutions that support business, not for profits, charities, public section, government, health care and communities.
We help you break the cycles of division and fully enable cycles of aligned collaboration.
What is the Human Alignment 360 GPS?
The Human Alignment 360 GPS (Global Performance System) is an ongoing diagnostic instrument that enables your organization or community to bring the same level of visibility and understanding about all of your internal and external team members (through data) that you have with your operating and financial systems.
The Human Alignment 360 GPS enables participation from multiple stakeholders (team, customers, channel partners, citizens, government, suppliers etc.), includes all business processes, embraces well being, humanity and community and provides deep insights into the human impact on performance and sustainability outcomes of all types including engagement, operations and financial.
This data provides greater focus, enables faster response, more effective diagnosis, leverages current strengths and has a significant civilizing effect on human interaction.

Essentially you move from “I Think” to “We Know”.
The Human Alignment 360 GPS Organizational Suite is an integrated tool for business that captures great data on all of the human elements and most importantly helps integrate that data to fully understand the causal effects of the various interrelationships on performance and sustainability.
Two Products that Work Together and Apart....

The Human Alignment 360 GPS Community
Suite is an integrated tool for communities of all types that captures great data on all of the human elements and most importantly helps integrate that data to fully understand the causal effects of the various interrelationships on community culture and sustainability.


Tribal Possibilities
Wayne is currently coauthoring the followup to the NY Times #1 Best Seller Tribal Leadership with author John King.
The first publication will capture stories of new "Possibilities' when teams of humans align around common outcomes.
The World's First Culture Gap Index
Future Strategies Inc. has developed the Culture Gap IndexTM in partnership with John King, NY Times #1 best selling author of 'Tribal Leadership'.
This revolutionary series of metrics quantifies culture and its impact on strategy, performance management and customer relationships.
The Culture Gap IndexTM provides context for engagement, resiliency, and humanities metrics; which make up this game changing leadership model.
The Global Humanizing Performance Initiative
Future Strategies Inc. and theMindsuite are pleased to be partnered with ASU's Project Humanities. Together we have created a Humanities Model designed to help create the "Business Case" for greater humanity in organizations and communities.
Recently we had the opportunity to partner with Old Republic in helping to support their customers in the Real Estate Industry. The goal was to move from 'Me to We" and truly empower collaboration and a high performance culture industry wide.
TMS Partnering with a Whole City
theMindSuite technology is being used in a joint effort with Scottsdale to engage the businesses, their employees and the citizens in a discussion around their city and enable them to work together towards creating a common dream / mandate for them all. We are heading into year two of the succssful initiative.
Health System Success Story
The Heart & Stroke Foundation's etools have been hosted on FSI's technology for over a decade. A part of that technology is the automated email communication system that personalizes the communication. It is an intersesting fact that they are so personalized that there are over 6 Billion possible configurations that can could be sent. That is just a bit shy of almost one per person on the planet.

Let's talk Click Here to start a conversation!
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Oakville, Ontario
Western Canada
Calgary, Alberta
416 878 9700
602 842 2895
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Scottsdale, AZ
North East USA
Rochester, NY