Public Customer Partnership Stories of Success
While the majority of our customers use our core systems, we also welcome a challenge to create a unique solution to engage your stakeholders.
There are many exciting success stories of organizations utilizing theMindSuite technology in creative and unusual ways. We are sharing some of those with you below.
We welcome any challenge ... help us understand what you are facing and we will be happy to share our ideas on how theMindSuite can help you and your unique situation.
Challenge US With YOUR Challenge!

Scottsdale Chamber - Social Innovation Through The Business Community
The Toronto District School Board wanted to clearly understand what a terrific student teacher interaction looks like. We worked with them and by utilizing Appreciative Inquiry techniques we captured stories, organized them into thematic buckets (so that they could be easilly shared) with everyone. The goal was to enable more and more of these terrific experiences through understanding.
TDSB turned to theMIndSuite technology and found their solution quickly and easily and the colourful stories were captured and put to work in a positive way.
Well we certainly stired things up with this program.
We were tasked with measuring how well a number of Universities were doing in graduating students with a particular specialty against the required personal competancies observed by the employers. This was done using our proprietary Expectation Gap Index.
The results clearly indicated that the Universities were way off the mark in what they were teaching. There was a significant gap in what the employers wanted wanted and what the employers were experiencing.
It does ask the question.... is our academic community aligned with the changing needs of their end customers who employee graduates?
Forward thinking Universities are excited about the opportunity.

Secret Case Study -
Is Education Aligned With The Employer Needs?

How Hot is Hot? Helping Engineer The First Carbon Free City

Toronto District School Board- Engaging Students
theMindSuite technology is being used in a joint effort with City Possibilites and the Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce to engage the businesses, their employees and the citizens in a discussion around thier city and enable them to work together towards creating a common dream / mandate for them all.

Creating a safe place for people with Mood Disorders

Tecumseh - A Small City With A Big Challenge
The Town of Tecumseh was at a standstill. A large piece of land on the riverside that was the source of recreation for the residents (including golf and parkland) was owned privately and about to be sold to a developer.
The special interest groups were so agressive in their views that everything stood at an impasse for years.
theMindSuite system was repurposed as an education tool so that everyone in the town could understand exaclty what the town's options were and how it would affect them as individuals. It went viral and everyone understood the truth. The people sent a clear mandate that enabled a quick decision by City Council that was supported by all.
The Engineers were planning the first Carbon Free City in Du Bai. The first step was to survey the people who lived in the area to find out how far they thought that they could walk between cooling stations during the extreme heat of the summer months.
The second step was to get out into the field and capture data on exactly how far people could walk between cooling stations through observation.
theMindSuite technology was deployed on both ends of this project through online and in real time with wireless devices held by the observers in the field.
The result was that people thought that they could walk farther than they actually could. The problem would have been significant if this gap was not measured.

The Mood Disorders Association was a small charity with a big vision. They wanted to help as many people as possible and knew that there were ways to do that by using technology.
theMindSuite system was repurposed and used to build where people could come in become a member and learn about their depression, their anxiety and their bi pollar conditions. They could also interact so it was easy for them to track their progress, learn their options and share their results with thier care givers if they chose to. In fact we even built in three video coaches who helped lead the member through the journey.
We guarantee you an effective, creative, and engaging solution! Period!