Boards of Trade
Are you a forward thinking Chamber, Board Of Trade, Association or Municipality?
Looking for a new way to support better citizen engagement THROUGH the business community?
Our BETA program is available now for FREE for a limited time.
And to our BETA members ... it will always be free!
Why theMindSuite is Partnering With Chambers, BOT’s & Associations?
theMindSuite is partnering with Chambers of Commerce, Boards of Trade and other Associations to empower the business community to lead a new and engaging approach to city collaboration. The business community creates jobs and prosperity. Their employees are also the citizens. What better place to engage everyone to get involved? Forward thinking Chamber and Business CEO’s are clearly seeing the benefits to their members & to their community.

Wins For The Chamber & the Business Community
Greater understanding of the citizens on a massive scale.
Tap into new ideas without cost.
Enhanced leadership position in the business and general community.
Personalized access to the information through a private dashboard.
Create a true value add for chamber membership.
Generate revenue through enhanced products.

If you are a part of a forward thinking Chamber, Board Of Trade, Association or Municipality please let us know so that we can talk about the possibilities for your city. Our BETA program is absolutely FREE and always will be to our BETA partners ... so act today!
Contact Us
Wins For The Community:
Create a personalized Urban Mandate, clarifying & aligning the needs & desires of the community.
Be heard & understood as groups & individuals.
Collaboration that is focused on what is important to all rather than the few.
Provide greater work opportunities.
Focus goal setting and minimize agenda pushing.
Wins For All Levels of Government:
Fully understand the views of the citizens
Help understand priorities.
Ideas on how to support greater prosperity.
Make faster more relevant decisions.
Gain community support and foster greater trust.