Healthcare Partnership Stories of Success

While the majority of our customers use our core systems, we also have extensive experience in the healthcare industry from work with patient experience, graduate competency alignment evaluations, working culture, mentorship, leadership effectiveness, management application as well as pharmaceutical alignment.
We have a very broad level of experience in the healthcare vertical and welcome any challenge to create unique an innovative solutions to engage your stakeholders.
There are many exciting success stories of organizations utilizing theMindSuite technology in creative and unusual ways. We are sharing some of those with you below.
We welcome any challenge ... help us understand what you are facing and we will be happy to share our ideas on how theMindSuite can help you and your unique situation.

How Hot is Hot? Helping Engineer The First Carbon Free City
The Engineers were planning the first Carbon Free City in Du Bai. The first step was to survey the people who lived in the area to find out how far they thought that they could walk between cooling stations during the extreme heat of the summer months.
The second step was to get out into the field and capture data on exactly how far people could walk between cooling stations through observation.
theMindSuite technology was deployed on both ends of this project through online and in real time with wireless devices held by the observers in the field.
The result was that people thought that they could walk farther than they actually could. The problem would have been significant if this gap was not measured.
Aligning Healthcare Graduate Competency's With Industry Requirements.
The Mood Disorders Association was a small charity with a big vision. They wanted to help as many people as possible and knew that there were ways to do that by using technology.
theMindSuite system was repurposed and used to build where people could come in become a member and learn about their depression, their anxiety and their bi pollar conditions. They could also interact so it was easy for them to track their progress, learn their options and share their results with thier care givers if they chose to. In fact we even built in three video coaches who helped lead the member through the journey.
In a number of healthcare industry studies we have used our proprietary analytics to measure the gap between graduate skills and market requirements in several initiatives.
These results have lead to further innovation in the way the graduates are prepared for the workplace.

Heart & Stroke Foundation E-Tools - Greater Health Everywhere
The Heart & Stroke Foundation's etools have been hosted on FSI's technology for over a decade. A part of that technology is the automated email communication system that personalizes the interaction.
It is an intersesting fact that these emails are so personalized that there are over 6 Billion possible configurations that can could be sent out. That is just a bit shy of almost one per person on the planet.
Abbott Medical Optics (AMO) had a great product that helped people see better yet it wasn't getting enough exposure. So together we came up with a plan to utilize theMindSuite technology to reinvent the Registy.
Rather than it being a static research tool, we set it up so the data was captured in real time and could be analyzed while the study was going on and the surgeons themselves could see the results.
Coupled with automated communication reminders and patient feedback, the whole program was a huge success.

Abbott Medical Optics
- Re-imagining the Health Care Registry
Challenge US With YOUR Challenge!

The Canadian Breast Cancer Society

Bayer - Integrating Customer Interactive Quality

Ontario Nurses Association - Understanding the Work Environment
The Ontario Nurses Association needed a tool to ensure that their members had a voice in how the association set priorities and that everyone had a clear understanding of the issues.
theMindSuite system was deployed by the association to ensure a great exchange of information..
Bayer utlized theMindSuite technology to enable a much stronger interactive relationship with their diagnostic customers both directly and through caregivers.
The Canadian Breast Cancer Society needed to understand quickly just how accepting people would be of their new fundraising idea.
They used theMindSuite system and had enough data to make actionable decisions within a couple of days.