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The Global Humanizing Performance Research Initiative

Please Join Us In This Transformational Research


... how do we measure the human factor in a way that is meaningful, humane, easy to understand, supported, and focused on greater performance?


... how can we enable organizations of all types to support greater character and humanity that contributes to much better operating and financial results?


... how do we Create a Business Case For Humanity?

Our mission is to engage a massive number of people from all different types of environments and all different types of locations in a research initiative that will Humanize Performance.


This is not a traditional research study because it will be ongoing and transparent.


We will share results, share success stories and crowd source ideas. Ultimately we will enable people to work with us and each other in redefining performance as it relates to human capital.

Outside of currently recognized measurement areas like culture and engagement,  this initiative also includes unique elements such as innovation, strategy, decision making, culture, engagement, mentorship, wellness, resilience and many more. All cross referenced with our Foundational and Ground Breaking work with the Humanity Gap Index in partnership with some truly inspirational thought leaders including.....


Arizona State University Project Humanities...


John King, NY Times Best Selling Author of Tribal Leadership...


The RTG Group who are revolutionizing social responsibility.


The Global Not For Profit 'One Million Acts of Innovation.... 


... and many others. 


Together, we WILL create THE Business Case for Humanity!



Our model is one of WIN WIN WIN where our partnerships enable greater character and performance for all. We welcome new and forward thinking individuals and organizations of all types to join us in this exciting initiative!

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