TheMindSuite Story
The World's FIRST Integrated Feedback & FeedFORWARD> Management System
It all started many years ago when our founder, Wayne Clancy was working with an organization that provided exceptional service ... much better than the competition ... however they were losing market share and margins were dropping. The customer satisfaction studies were saying that they were superior ... so why the problem? The question was ... just how important are these things that we were doing so well to our customers? No one really knew the answer.
Wayne came out of that meeting knowing that something was there. Later that evening he thought through the algorithm that has since become the Expectation Gap Index. This simple yet incredibly powerful index measures the difference between expectation (how people prioritize things) and the quality of performance. The amazing thing is that it quickly identifies both areas of performance deficiency (where it matters) and areas of potential over allocation of resources (i.e. things that were performing well however were not deemed to be important).
This algorithm was applied to all touches that the organization had with its customers and the worlds first 'outside in' quality system was born. The measurement was applied and what the organization learned was that the customers did not understand the value of what they were getting. Sure the organization was performing far better than the competitors however this dominance was largely in areas that the customer did not value. The knee jerk reaction was to cut resources, however the next question was are these things really important and have we just not effectively helped our customers understand the value? Some leading organizations at the time including Apple knew what the value was and put their name on key testimonials. This education worked amazingly well and the revenue turned around in less than two months.
Because it worked so well with their customer initiatives, a number of FSI's customers then asked that they apply the Expectation Gap Index to Employee Engagement --- where the results were equally as impressive.
We discovered that producing global engagement metrics was helping our customers achieve some results. We also learned that Employee Engagement occurs both at the organizational level and at the personal level. Everyone has their own personal preferences, engagement drivers and priorities so we established a fabulous one-on-one employee manager engagement tool that works within the total engagement process ... supporting and measuring the real outcomes.
We were told by a number of our customers and partners that this personalized application working in harmony with the organizational metrics was truly a breakthrough, they told us that Employee Engagement had been reinvented.
Our next discovery was that true engagement went far beyond just Employee Engagement, it also involved channel partners, resellers, strategic partners, suppliers, management and the leadership group ... and they were all interrelated! So at this point these historically separate relationships came together in theMindSuite's Voice of The Team!
Traditionally these types of customer and employee initiatives occurred at the departmental or functional level, however a new type of leader is emerging who understands that great leadership is not just great operational management ... it involves so much more. This new type of leader also understands that the whole philosophy of leadership needs to be enabled throughout the organization.
So together with a number of forward thinking CEO's, The Leadership Compass was born. It's purpose was to enable great leadership and provide a stabilizing third pillar to theMindSuiteTM triad.A few new things were added like an automated FeedFORWARD> System (where the data is organized and pushed out to stakeholders to gain greater clarity and enable problem solving), a personalized dashboard and some early BETA methods for organizations to collaborate and encourage greater citizen engagement as these citizens are also in most cases their employees and customers as well.
This is occurring through some very interesting partnerships with forward thinking Chambers of Commerce, Board's of Trade, Associations and Municipal Governments. Since then, Future Strategies (FSI) has worked with some very progressive and forward thinking customers who were also collaborators in validating the processes ... and many great successes have been celebrated.
Now theMindSuiteTM is about to launch a fully integrated self serve system in 2014.
Stay tuned .... for the rest of the story!