“Working Together To Support A Thriving Petoskey!
Greetings Chamber Board Member,
I am inviting you to be a part of THE Design Team to help us to be a 'Chamber of the Future' and serve the Petoskey business community in new and innovative ways.
Your opinion and ideas matter, and even more so with the opportunities that are ahead of us as the world of work evolves and innovation in all its forms is critical to our ongoing success. Our ability to be fully aligned and work together in powerful ways is the key to success.
Please take a few minutes go through this instrument and share your thoughts and ideas about our culture and our performance as a board.
You can be assured that all responses are fully confidential. The independant research company MindSuiteGPS will aggregate your data with that of the other team members so that your specific answers remain anonymous.
We will share the results back with everyone as we continute to strive together .... towards being the best Chamber anywhere!
Together, we WILL accomplish great things!