Creating Our Future Together
What kind of future do you envision for Ontario?
What is possible in this great province of ours?
We are inviting you to share your thoughts and ideas about Ontario and help co-create that future together!
What is it?
Ontario Possibilities was created for people just like you. It is all about how we are doing right now in our province and the future that you want to be a part of and help to co-create.
There are no hidden agendas and it is completely non partizan. There are no right or wrong answers. It's simply a way to tap into how we think and feel about our ideal future... together!
What we will do with your input?
The results will be shared back with your fellow Ontario Possibilities members and the business community, the educational community and various levels of government.
Your personal information will be held in the strictist of confidence. In fact your email address will never be associated with your responses.
Please share www.OntarioPossibilities.com with others that you know so that they can share their thoughts and ideas to help design our future together.
Topic 1: The Pandemic CheckUP
We continue to work through an unprecedented time and are all looking to emerge into a new and better way of living. What is that going to look like? How has the pandemic affected us and our work?
In this pandemic CheckUP we gain ideas from many people on how things are now vrs how they were pre pandemic in critical areas such as strategy, culture, wellbeing (mental & physical) and our humanity (how we treat each other).
Your ideas, along with those of your fellow citizens will enable us co-create that future together. Click on the arrow below and share your ideas on topics such a community culture, innovation, jobs, wellness, our shared humanity and many more.
Due to the configuration of the questionnaire, we highly recommend using a laptop, desktop or tablet.
Subscribe To Receive
Subscribe below so that we can share back the information that we are gathering with everyone who wants to. We will be totally transparent in our sharing. You will get to see all of the gathered information on the topics that you choose. Your specific results will remain completely private.
Step 02: Choose Other Topics
Click on any (or all) of the arrow links in the area bellow based upon which topics are of interest to you. Once there you can read about the topic and anonymously share your thoughts and ideas.
Topic 1: Our Community Culture
Our communities have unique characteristics and we all have ideas on what we want and how we would like to see our communities in the future.
Help us co-create that future together. Click on the arrow below and share your ideas on topics such a community culture, innovation, jobs, wellness, our shared humanity and many more.
Topic 2: Healthcare
Healthcare is incredibly important to all of us and is often see to be so complicated and hard to understand.
Help us to co create that future together. Click on the arrow below and share your ideas on topics such as accessablility, cost, effectivness and many more.

Community Culture

Topic 3: Our Community Humanity
In partnership with Arizona State University Project Humanities we have created a set of Metrics that measure our community 'Humanity' both as how important various elements are to us and also how we would like to see it evolve.
In addition we are partnering with organizations to leverage the research to help us create a 'business case for humanity" and help everyone share their ideas on common values and ways to collaborate and work together.
Community Humanity

Topic 4: Our Utilities
This project was designed to help residents better understand hydro, gas and water costs.
There has been much heated debate and many stories circulating. Many people are now confused and do not know what is true and what is not.
Please click on the arrow below to fully understand the facts and then have the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas on 'what it is'.


Topic 5: Vulnerable Populations
Homelessness and poverty and big challenges in cities today.
Help us to co-create a future together. Click on the arrow below and share your thoughts and ideas on topics such as homelessness, poverty and many more.
Vulnerable Populations

Topic 7: Our Priorities
There are so many things going on in our cities and there is also a lot political discussion but is it truly focused on the priorities of the citizens?
Please take a few minutes and share your thoughts and ideas on what should be our priorities. What is working and what needs to be improved in the 16 Elements of a 'Possibility City'? This includes topics such as education, transportation, healthcare, opportunities, asthetics, and many more.
Our Priorities

Topic 8: Sustainability
There are so many things going on in our cities and communities and.... there is also a lot political discussion but is it truly focused on the priorities of the citizens?
Please take a few minutes and share your thoughts and ideas on what should be our priorities. What is working and what needs to be improved in the 16 Elements of a 'Possibilities City' or a 'Possibilities Community'? This includes topics such as education, transportation, healthcare, opportunities, asthetics, and many more.

Have A Topic Idea?
Do you have a topic in mind that we could share with the rest of the Ontario Possibilities Community?
Please share.