Working Together To Create New Possibilities!
Hello Fellow Eco-System Member,
I am inviting you to be part of THE Design Team to help co-create a future full of possibilities for all of us.
There are many great people in our extended team who share a common vision of a fabulous and more prosperous future.
Your experiences, ideas and opinions matter – In fact they are the foundation by which we will discover new possibilities!
Please go through the instrument and share your thoughts and ideas openly and freely! It should take you between 12 and 17 minutes to complete and have fun as we are sure that you will find many of the questions quite interesting.
Please evaluate each question as it relates to your organization so that we can better understand our common challenges and work well together.
Your responses will be rolled up in the larger report and your personal information will be held in the strictest of confidence and not shared ever.
We will share the results in our next meeting.
I am sure that you will find the whole process quite fascinationg.
Please enter in the code supplied to you by your organization and then use an email address as your password.
Looking forward to discovering our possibilities together.
Ty Shattuck
McMaster Innovation Park