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Comparing the Employee and Manager Responses
Step 1: Download Your Personal Workbook Here:
Step 2: Login And Set Up Your Personalized Report
Google Chrome is the recommended browser for viewing your report.
Internet Explorer may not provide complete functionality.
Enter the survey code and password provided into the interface below.
To view the employee and manager data side by side follow these instructions:
Under Comparisons on the report navigation bar, select Set Comparisons.
In the Select number of comparisons menu, select 2
Under Comparison, select the + next to Comparison 1
In the Comparison 1 menu, select Some Basic Questions
Select Manager at the second occurrence of Manager – Employee
You are …
Manager Employee
Scroll to Comparison 2 at the bottom of the page, and select the +
In the Comparison 2 menu, select Some Basic Questions
Select Employee at the second occurrence of Manager – Employee
You are …
Manager Employee
At the bottom right corner of the page select Apply Comparisons
On the navigation bar, select Reports, then Expectation Gap Index, then Global
Comparison # 1 is the manager
Comparison # 2 is the employee
When you select one of the report dimensions, such as Job Content, the manager and employee scores are above the survey question.
Have a discussion about each area and look for what is aligned and what isn't.
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