theMindSuite tools are structured to quality system standards .... You can earn three important certifications of quality!
theMindSuite, Certifications have all of the protocols of modern quality systems. Just as in ISO Systems, certification can be achieved in some areas of the business, even if other areas do not yet qualify. Once you qualifiy, the seal can be used on documentation as a sales and retention retention tool or as a tool in attracting and maintaining the very best talent.
High performance operations can achieve special certification with The Customer's Mind® Seal of Excellence!
This designation shows their commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of customers.
High performance operations can achieve special certification with The Employee's Mind Seal of Excellence!
This designation shows their commitment to creating the best culture, understanding and meeting the needs of employees and/or associates and/or partners.
People Friendly Communities can achieve special certification with The Community Bridge Seal of Excellence!
This designation shows the community commitment to creating the best culture by understanding and meeting the needs of citizens, employers and visitors.