Test Drive The System: Free Check-Up

Check Up 01: Free Value Check Up
A Value Proposition explains why people choose to do business with your company. It addresses the question that's uppermost in every customer or prospective customer's mind, “What’s in it for me?”
A Value Proposition lets potential customers decide whether your company, products and/or services are right for them, and what they will gain from doing business with you. It’s also a benchmark against which existing customers can evaluate their purchase decision.
A Value Proposition needs to be the real deal—something employees understand and can deliver. A business cannot promise something that can only be delivered ‘sometimes,’ or might be delivered ‘in the future.’ Once the promise has been made, it must be delivered consistently, on demand.
Otherwise, customers won’t recommend you… some will opt out and go elsewhere... and others will be sure to tell friends and associates about their unfortunate experience.
See if you qualify for a free Value Check Up.

Check Up 02: Free Culture Check Up
Your organizational 'Culture' dictates why (or why not) your team collaborates and works together. It addresses the question that's uppermost in every leader’s mind, “Do we have a performance supporting culture?”
Based on NY Times #1 Best Selling Author John King's Culture Map, the Culture Check Up will allow you to understand just what culture is dominant in your organization and what may be stopping you from ensuring that your team performs at the highest level possible.
A collaborative Stage 4 or Stage 5 Culture is the ticket to your organization's effective strategic implementation and in its ongoing success. It must be consistant and supported by both management and leadership practices day in and day out.
Otherwise, your team won’t work together … some will opt out and some with try to dominate... and others will be sure to tell others about their unfortunate experiences.
See if you qualify for a free Culture Check Up.